Results for 'HoracÍo A. Fasce'

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  1.  31
    A vector product formulation of special relativity and electromagnetism.Charles P. Poole, Horacio A. Farach & Yakir Aharonov - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (7-8):531-553.
    The vector product method developed in previous articles for space rotations and Lorentz transformations is extended to the cases of four-vectors, anti-symmetric tensors, and their transformations in Minkowski space. The electromagnetic fields are expressed in “six-vector” form using the notationH +iE, and this vector form is shown to be relativistically invariant. The wave equations of electromagnetism are derived using these vector products. The following three equations are deduced, which summarize electrodynamics in a compact form: (1) Maxwell's four equations expressed as (...)
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    Pauli-Dirac matrix generators of Clifford Algebras.Charles P. Poole & Horacio A. Farach - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (7):719-738.
    This article presents a Pauli-Dirac matrix approach to Clifford Algebras. It is shown that the algebra C2 is generated by two Pauli matrices iσ2 and iσ3; C3 is generated by the three Pauli matrices σ1, σ2, σ3; C4 is generated by four Dirac matrices γ0, γ1, γ2, γ3 and C5 is generated by five Dirac matrices iγ0, iγ1, iγ2, iγ3, iγ5. The higher dimensional anticommuting matrices which generate arbitrarily high order Clifford algebras are given in closed form. The results obtained (...)
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    Are Sensory-Motor Relationships Encoded ad hoc or by Default?: An ERP Study.Yurena Morera, Maartje van der Meij, Manuel de Vega & Horacio A. Barber - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Spousal and Kinship Co-Authorship Should be Declared to Avoid Conflicts of Interest.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Horacio Rivera - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (3):379-381.
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  5. "Vocabulaire philosophique," lettre A. [Fasc. 1. A à AGIR].A. Lalande - 1901 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 2:166.
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  6. El antiintelectualismo kantiano con respecto a la experiencia, Con-textos Sa Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:237-261.
    Este artículo pretende ofrecer una visión alternativa tanto de la lectura conceptualista tradicional de Kant como de la nueva lectura no conceptualista. En contra de las lecturas conceptualistas tradicionales sostengo que confunden las condiciones para la representación sensible de los objetos (tesis de la intencionalidad) con las condiciones para el reconocimiento (Erkenntnis) de que representamos objetos mediante intuiciones sensibles (tesis del reconocimiento). En contra de las lecturas no conceptualistas sostengo que no distinguen el no conceptualismo -propio de la filosofía contemporánea (...)
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    A gênese estética do “tema Del traidor Y Del héroe” de Jorge Luis Borges.Horacio L. Martinez - 2004 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 16 (19):01.
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    Decisional nonconsequentialism and the risk sensitivity of obligation.Horacio Spector - 2016 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (2):91-128.
    :A good deal of contemporary moral nonconsequentialism assumes that agents have perfect knowledge about the various features and consequences of their options. This assumption is unrealistic. More often than not, moral agents can only assess with a certain degree of probability the factual circumstances that are morally relevant for their decision making. My aim in this essay is to discuss the problem of moral decisions under risk from the point of view of nonconsequentialism. Basically, I analyze how objective moral principles (...)
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    Science as a Vaccine.Angelo Fasce & Alfonso Picó - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (1-2):109-125.
    In this study, we explore the relation between scientific literacy and unwarranted beliefs. The results show heterogeneous interactions between six constructs: conspiracy theories poorly interact with scientific literacy; there are major differences between attitudinal and practical dimensions of critical thinking; paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs show similar associations ; and, only scientific knowledge interacts with other predictor of unwarranted beliefs, such as ontological confusions. These results reveal a limited impact: science educators must take into account the complex interactions between the dimensions (...)
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  10.  54
    Are Pseudosciences Like Seagulls? A Discriminant Metacriterion Facilitates the Solution of the Demarcation Problem.Angelo Fasce - 2019 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 (3):155-175.
    Interest in the demarcation problem is undergoing a boom after being shelved and even given up for dead. Nevertheless, despite current philosophical discussions, there are no substantial advances i...
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    Using Open Dialogue-inspired dialogism in non-psychiatric medical practice: A ten-year experience.Horacio J. Antoni - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:950060.
    Physicians are frequently consulted by people with physical symptoms that, after having ruled out an "organic" pathology, we suspect they are related to the most frequent psychological conditions in the usual consultation: the various forms of reaction to severe stress (Acute Stress Reaction and Adjustment Disorder, from ICD 11), "functional" pathologies, burn out syndrome, and anxiety disorders, especially Generalized Anxiety Disorder, with or without associated depression. They are usually given a brief explanation about these problems and how they affect their (...)
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  12. A recusa de Schopenhauer ao “livre-arbítrio” da moral kantiana.Horácio Martinez - 2005 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 18 (21).
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    El instante: como hecho absoluto en el cronos.Luis Horacio Romaña - 2022 - La Quebrada del Naranjo, La Carrera, Catamarca, Argentina: Editorial Maíz Rojo.
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  14. Reflexionism: A New Metaphysical View of Both the Content and the Phenomenal Character of Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2016 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 72 (2/3):531-543.
    This paper aims to offer a new metaphysical view of both the representational content and the phenomenal or conscious character of visual experience inspired by Kaplan’s semantics of demonstratives. In Kaplan’s famous account, the character or meaning of a demonstrative type is understood as the function of a particular token of that type (vehicle of content) in the context of the demonstration of the singular content in the context in question. By way of analogy, I want to suggest that the (...)
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    Um diálogo entre a Filosofia, a Educação e a Política: limiares entre a moral, o legal e a reificação.Horácio Luján Martinez, Edemir José Pulita & Joel Cezar Bonin - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (1):133.
    O objetivo desta reflexão é estabelecer um diálogo entre os espaços da educação, filosofia e política, buscando construir pontes entre eles. Seu embasamento teórico se refere à crítica ao capitalismo e ao conceito de reificação, a partir de autores da Escola de Frankfurt, de Foucault e de Benjamin. Um episódio ocorrido em 29 de abril de 2015 foi escolhido para análise por representar um evento paradoxal nos campos e conceitos apontados. Concluímos que é necessário se repensar novas ações entre as (...)
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    A Representation Result for Value-based Contraction.Horacio Arló Costa & Hailin Liu - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (6):965-989.
    Sven-Ove Hansson and Erik Olsson studied in Hansson and Olsson, 103–119 1995) the logical properties of an operation of contraction first proposed by Isaac Levi in Levi. They provided a completeness result for the simplest version of contraction that they call Levi-contraction but left open the problem of characterizing axiomatically the more complex operation of value-based contraction or saturatable contraction. In this paper we propose an axiomatization for this operation and prove a completeness result for it. We argue that the (...)
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    La inquietud y el sentido: filosofía y vida cotidiana.Horacio Bernardo - 2021 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Paidós.
    Las inquietudes cotidianas particulares -- Las inquietudes cotidianas fundamentales.
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  18. Relativizing the Opposition between Content and State Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2015 - Abstracta 8 (2):17–30.
    Content nonconceptualism and State conceptualism are motivated by different readings of what I want to call here Bermúdez’s conditions on content-attribution (2007). In one read- ing, what is required is a neo-Fregean content to solve problems of cognitive significance at the nonconceptual level (Toribio, 2008; Duhau, 2011). In the other reading, what is required is a neo-Russellian or possible-world content to account for how conspecifics join attention and cooperate, contemplating the same things from different perspectives in the same perceptual field. (...)
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  19. Two notions of epistemic validity.Horacio Arló Costa & Isaac Levi - 1996 - Synthese 109 (2):217 - 262.
    How to accept a conditional? F. P. Ramsey proposed the following test in (Ramsey 1990).(RT) If A, then B must be accepted with respect to the current epistemic state iff the minimal hypothetical change of it needed to accept A also requires accepting B.
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    En torno a fronteras e intelectuales: Conceptualizaciones, itinerarios y coyunturas institucionales.Horacio Crespo, Morales Moreno, Luis Gerardo & Mina Alejandra Navarro (eds.) - 2014 - México: Itaca.
  21.  53
    La medicina en el Nacional Socialismo: gestiones de oposición profesional.Horacio Riquelme - 2006 - Polis 13.
    La medicina en Alemania durante la época nacionalsocialista constituyó un área social de intensas contradicciones éticas y existenciales. Frente a los crímenes de lesa humanidad, perpetrados” por médicos serviciales al poder y ávidos de reconocimiento, en nombre de una “ciencia de la raza” y de una “guerra total, hubo también actitudes y gestos oponentes de quienes persistieron –con un alto riesgo personal– en mantener una visión humanista de la profesión y su quehacer en la sociedad. Este artículo continúa la exposición (...)
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  22.  27
    Benedito Nunes, leitor de Clarice Lispector, ou o drama de habitar uma linguagem sitiada.Horacio Luján Martínez - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (37):271.
    A indiscutível riqueza da obra de Clarice Lispector já deu lugar a inúmeras interpretações.Neste ensaio, pretendemos acompanhar a leitura que Benedito Nunes realiza, pensando a literatura da escritora brasileira atravessada por um “centro mimético”. O conceito de mimese, distinguindo-se das concepções clássicas pensadas por Platão e Aristóteles, apontará, na leitura de Nunes, para a dramaticidade vivenciada por meio da linguagem na sua tentativa de falar sobre o mundo e o “eu” que o descreve. Para fins de clareza, analisaremos, com essa (...)
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  23.  45
    Corporate Sustainability: Toward a Theoretical Integration of Catholic Social Teaching and the Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm.Horacio E. Rousseau - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):725-737.
    Even though management scholars have offered several views on the process of corporate sustainability, these efforts have focused mainly on the technical aspects of sustainability while omitting the fundamental role played by individual moral competences. Therefore, previous work offers an incomplete and somewhat reductionist view of corporate sustainability. In this article, we develop a holistic framework of corporate sustainability in which both the moral and technical aspects of sustainability are considered. We do so by integrating the ethical, normative perspective of (...)
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  24. El silogismo por analogía en el contexto de la teoría hegeliana del concepto.Horacio Martín Sisto - 2020 - In Gustavo Arroyo & Horacio Martín Sisto (eds.), La lógica de la analogía: perspectivas actuales sobre el rol de las analogías en ciencias y en filosofía. Los Polvorines, Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones UNGS, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.
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    Estética y taumaturgia críticas: economía y administración del sentir en Alexander Baumgarten.Horacio Tarragona - 2021 - [Catamarca, Argentina]: IINTAE, Instituto de Investigación en Teorías del Arte y Estética.
  26.  28
    Educação de, por e para a democracia: a relação meio-fim na filosofia de John Dewey.Horacio Héctor Mercau - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (67):219-241.
    La intensión del presente trabajo es la de explorar la relación medios-fines exponiendo que la misma se presenta en la obra de John Dewey como camino y horizonte coherente y consistente de su propuesta filosófica y educativa. La relación medios-fines dirige la investigación llevándonos a una comprensión del conocimiento como practica evaluativa y transformadora. Esta concepción epistemológica sienta las bases para repensar la educación y la democracia y brinda elementos suficientes para superar las dicotomías pensamiento - emoción, hechos - valores (...)
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    A Pragmatic Reconstruction of Law’s Claim to Authority.Horacio Spector - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (1):21-48.
    Raz holds that necessarily all legal authorities, even de facto authorities, make a claim to legitimate authority. He does not say that legitimacy is a necessary property of law. This view, which I call the claim view, constitutes my focal point in this paper. Many commentators have criticized this view. I discuss and dismiss three critiques of the claim view: the verification critique (the claim view is not empirically confirmed), the legalistic critique (law claims legal authority, not moral authority), and (...)
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    Reseña. Cosmopolitanism, state sovereignty and international law and politics: a theory de Jorge E. Núñez.Horacio Daniel Piombo - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (2):247-249.
    Review. Cosmopolitanism, state sovereignty and international law and politics: a theory. Routledge, London and New York, 2023, pp. 216.
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    A recusa de Schopenhauer ao “livre-arbítrio” da moral kantiana.Horacio L. Martínez - 2005 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 17 (21):45.
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    La agonía del estado democrático.Horacio Osvaldo Domingorena - 1992 - Buenos Aires: H.O. Domingorema.
    Longtime Radical legislator and former president of Aerolíneas Argentinas decries the corruption that results from the proliferation of pressure groups, all of whom are trying to influence a powerful interventionist State"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.
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  31. Dificultades teórico metodológicas de la propuesta intercultural.Horacio Cerutti Guldberg - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 65 (2):77-96.
    Este ensayo -que plantea algunas sugerencias quizás fecundas para la discusión- constituye un examen crítico de algunos aspectos significativos de la tesis intercultural de la obra de Raúl Fornet Betancourt. En este sentido, se ha organizado la exposición en tres apartados de desigual extensión: trayectoria, autocritica y reparos. El análisis de la obra de este autor permite concluir, en primer lugar, que su propuesta intercultural ha sido planteada por otros autores, lo que le resta originalidad; en segundo lugar, a pesar (...)
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    Filosofía de la liberación latinoamericana.Horacio Cerutti Guldberg - 1983 - México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    La filosofa de la liberacin latinoamericana es expresin de la realidad social e histrica de Latinoamrica. Los contrastes y la desigualdad se expresan en su discurso, tanto como en el historicismo, la sociologa y la teologa latinoamericanas.
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  33. Diccionario de filosofía latinoamericana.Horacio Cerutti Guldberg, Mario Magallón Anaya, Isaías Palacios Contreras, Ramírez Fierro, María del Rayo & Sandra Escutia Díaz (eds.) - 2000 - Toluca, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
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    Macchine, grandi magazzini, pubblicità. Gli Stati Uniti come nazione materiale tra Otto e Novecento.Ferdinando Fasce - 2013 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 25 (48).
    This article focuses on the concrete and symbolic process of construction, self-identification and self-presentation of U.S.-America as a “material” nation, a self-identification elaborated, albeit seldom by using this term, through the emphasis on its “exceptional” system of production, distribution, and consumption between the turn of the century and the immediate aftermath of WWI. It weaves together three, so far separate, streams of research such as the one on the American system of manufacturing, that on the emergence of modern patterns of (...)
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  35. Contribución de Domingo de Soto a la gestación del pensamiento económico hispanoamericano.Horacio Rodríguez Penelas - 2007 - In Juan Cruz Cruz (ed.), La ley natural como fundamento moral y jurídico en Domingo de Soto. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Rationality and Value: The Epistemological Role of Indeterminate and Agent-dependent Values.Horacio Arló Costa - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (1):7-48.
    An important trend in contemporary epistemology centers on elaborating an old idea of pragmatist pedigree: theory selection (and in general the process of changing view and fixing beliefs) presupposes epistemic values. This article focuses on analyzing the case where epistemic values are indeterminate or when the sources of valuation are multiple (epistemic values like coherence and simplicity need not order options in compatible ways). According to the theory that thus arises epistemic alternatives need not be fully ordered by an underlying (...)
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    Da Estética Schopenhaueriana à Dimensão Estética de Marcuse.Heiberle Hirsgnerg Horacio - 2021 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 25 (2).
    No caminho dos trabalhos que versam sobre as questões envolvendo a autonomia da arte, categoria da Estética desde a modernidade, este artigo visa desenvolver explanações sobre dois autores, Arthur Schopenhauer e Herbert Marcuse que, devedores da estética kantiana, possuem perspectivas que permitem reflexões sobre a autonomia da arte, ainda que Marcuse se posicione como um crítico da perspectiva representada por Schopenhauer. Designadamente, este artigo apresentará a compreensão estética do filósofo Arthur Schopenhauer - na obra principal deste autor, O Mundo Como (...)
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    Un yacimiento de cazadores-recolectores marinos en la terraza litoral de Bajo Patache, sur de Iquique . Estudio arqueológico-geográfico.Horacio Larrain, Flavia Velásquez F., Pedro Lázaro B., Pilar Cereceda T., Pablo Osses M. & Luis Pérez R. - 2004 - Polis 7.
    El presente artículo presenta los nuevos e importantes descubrimientos en la terraza litoral al pie del oasis de niebla, a partir de Noviembre de 2003, que junto a estudios anteriores conforman un cuadro general bastante completo de los patrones de asentamiento, modus vivendi, costumbres y actividades económicas de los antiguos pobladores costeros del norte de Chile, que reafirman la enorme importancia que adquirió el ecosistema de oasis de niebla costero en el género de vida, tipos de asentamiento y desplazamientos de (...)
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    Autonomy and Rights: The Moral Foundations of Liberalism.Horacio Spector - 1992 - New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press UK.
    Moral and political theorists who espouse Egalitarianism and Marxism tend to assume that it is extremely hard, if not impossible, to put forward an original and plausible moral justification of classical liberalism. Professor Spector is concerned to build just such a justification. He reconstructs and then criticizes a familiar approach to the moral foundations of classical liberalism which rests on the maximization of negative freedom, and then frames an alternative theory centered in the obligation to protect positive freedom. In doing (...)
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  40.  46
    (1 other version)Los parásitos de la ciencia. Una caracterización psicocognitiva del engaño pseudocientífico.Angelo Fasce - 2017 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 32 (3):347.
    El marco teórico desde el cual se llevan a cabo investigaciones acerca de la pseudociencia es deficiente, dado que suele incluir otros tipos de creencias carentes de garantía epistémica. En este artículo, se repasarán los mecanismos de explotación de la autoridad científica por parte de la pseudociencia, desarrollando así un marco psicocognitivo más refinado para caracterizar el fenómeno. Se analizará la psicología del engaño pseudocientífico, las raíces cognitivas que posibilitan la epidemiología de este tipo de ideas y sus mecanismos de (...)
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    Stock of Knowledge as Determined by Class Position: A Marxist Phenomenology?Horacio M. R. Banega - 2014 - Schutzian Research 6:47-60.
    The stock of knowledge at hand is one of the most important concepts of Schutzian social theory. However, it would seem that attempts to consider the structures of the Life-World have not included social stratification in relation to the stock of knowledge at hand. By analyzing certain data from Argentina’s 2001.
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    Sickness and healing and the evolutionary foundations of mind and minding.Fabrega Horacio Jr - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):159.
    Disease represents a principal tentacle of natural selection and a staple theme of evolutionary medicine. However, it is through a small portal of entry and a very long lineage that disease as sickness entered behavioural spaces and human consciousness. This has a long evolutionary history. Anyone interested in the origins of medicine and psychiatry as social institution has to start with analysis of how mind and body were conceptualised and played out behaviourally following the pongid/hominin split and thereafter. The early (...)
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    Filosofar desde nuestra América: ensayo problematizador de su modus operandi.Horacio Cerutti Guldberg - 2000 - México: M.A. Porrúa.
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    Fundamentalismo e religião da política: uma possibilidade da política como religião.Heiberle Hirsgberg Horácio - forthcoming - Horizonte:1002-1002.
    This article presents arguments that seek to facilitate the understanding that the concept of Political Religion - as well as the authoritarian political experiences represented by it, such as Nazism and Stalinism - can be thought of in conjunction with the concept of fundamentalism. Furthermore, this article also presents possibilities for the concept of Civil Religion - which can also be classified as a Public Religion - even though it is often associated with political experiences considered democratic - such as (...)
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    Jihad and Hijra Concepts Emergence in Face of Globalization and Postmodernism.Horacio Esteban Correa - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):704-719.
    The hypothesis of our work is that the concepts of globalization, the information technology boom and Postmodernism are closely linked and that somehow eroded the ontological concepts of identity, individual and cultural diversity, in terms of the relationship I and the other. In the international strategic framework that other has fallen on Arab-Islamic culture. The thought of the Western world, with its logic of instrumental rationality has built stereotypes about that culture, ignoring its archetype. This reality is the one that (...)
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    Normas Y aparatos conceptuales: Dos aspectos Del derecho.Horacio Corti - 2016 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 45:141-181.
    Alchourrón y Bulygin sostienen que el derecho positivo, además de normas, contiene definiciones, que ponen de manifiesto un aparato conceptual a través del cual pensamos la realidad. A partir de esta afirmación argumentaré que hay un aspecto del derecho al que la teoría jurídica no ha prestado la atención que merece: la red de conceptos o categorías a través de la cual el derecho piensa, estructura, esquematiza o imagina la realidad. Sobre la base de una visión pluralista, sostengo que el (...)
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    Nurturing Life.Horacio Velasco - 2011 - Environmental Philosophy 8 (1):63-82.
    It is argued that if mainstream neoclassical economics is to be compatible with the health of both the social and natural environments, then it must dispense with a purely micro-level, individual treatment of the world through market dynamics and instead embrace a complementary treatment involving macro-level, collective boundary constraints of an ethico-social-biophysical character selecting what market dynamics are permissible. In this way, economics is transformed from mere dynamics to semiotics, in accord with von Neumann’s seminal work disclosing that life is (...)
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    ¿Qué psicología elegir?Horacio C. Foladori - 2001 - Polis 1.
    El autor postula que el campo psicológico dista mucho de estar unificado, por lo que nos obliga a hablar de las psicologías y no de la psicología. Ellas remiten a una concepción de mundo, a una manera entender al hombre, a una concepción de la realidad y a una teoría sobre su cambio. El trabajo profundiza en temas tales como la relación sujeto/objeto, la especificación del objeto de estudio, el concepto de implicación y la producción de subjetividad. Elabora también los (...)
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    Wittgenstein contra a doutrina da predestinação: Religião E ética como sistema de referências.Horacio Luján Martínez - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (29):313.
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    Ethnomedical Implications of Wierzbicka’s Theory and Method.Horacio Fabrega - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (3):318-319.
    Pain is a biological and subjective phenomenon. Clear understanding of its features is essential. Wierzbicka’s analysis accomplishes this. This comment discusses the relevance of her approach for the study of early evolution of medicine. The comment has six parts: (a) Wierzbicka’s theory and method; (b) its application to pain; (c) relevance of pain for the study of ethnomedicine, the cultural understanding of sickness and healing; (d) significance of natural semantic metalanguage (NSM) for understanding the evolution of human thought and behavior; (...)
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